Minggu, 31 Maret 2013

How To Have A Girl

7 Proven Ways To Make Sure To Have A Girl

conceive a girlIf you’re among those women struggling to have a baby but saying “ I want to have a baby girl, not a boy ”, you’re probably curious to find out what to do to have a baby girl without asking for medical help and without relying on medical gender selection methods.

The truth is natural and herbal solutions aren’t always successful but they have good chances of changing the balance and pH of your body, making it friendlier to female sperm and more hostile for sperm carrying the Y-chromosomes.

So while it’s not guaranteed that you’ll give birth to a girl just because you eat certain foods, your chances to have a female baby can be significantly increased by adding these products to your menu!

I Want To Have A Baby Girl - Eat More Rhubarb

getting pregnant tipsRhubarb is a low in calorie vegetable that provides high amounts of fibers, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, among which the most important ones are vitamin A, the B-complex, vitamin K, calcium, iron, cooper and potassium.

It promotes healthier bones and has pretty much the same effects as spinach and kale, preparing the internal environment for a healthy pregnancy.

Being a green leafy vegetable, rhubarb is excellent for increasing the odds of getting pregnant with a baby girl as it delivers the necessary nutrients for your reproductive tract to become friendlier to female sperm that to sperm carrying the y-chromosomes.

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How To Conceive A Baby Girl With Brazil Nuts

Brazil nuts are not only excellent snacks for those of you trying to keep their weight under control but also great additions to your menu if you’re trying to get pregnant with a baby girl.

100 grams of brazil nuts provide 213 mg of calcium, 500 mg of magnesium, as well as important amounts of vitamins and other minerals needed for the healthy development of the baby. As you surely know by now, calcium and magnesium are the top 2 minerals required for preparing the body for the conception of a female baby.

Brazil nuts also contain palmitoleic acid and oleic acid, which prepare the internal environment for the fertilization process, decreasing the chances for male sperm to survive in the bodily fluids and increasing the odds of having a baby girl.

How To Make A Baby Girl With Figs

If you’ve often said to yourself that “I want to have a baby girl”, then a great recommendation for boosting your fertility and making your body more likely to favor the traveling of female sperm towards the viable egg refers to figs. These fruits are excellent sources of vitamins, antioxidants and minerals, most important nutrients in figs being calcium, potassium, cooper, manganese, selenium, zinc and iron.

Also, they provide high amounts of chlorogenic acid, vitamin B, A, K and E. All these ingredients work together in preparing the internal environment, changing the pH of bodily fluids and of the reproductive tract for increasing the odds of conceiving a baby.

And given that most of these nutrients are friendlier to female sperm than to male one, it’s not hard to guess why figs are so recommended to women looking for the best way to have a girl baby.

How To Get Pregnant With A Girl - Eat More Tofu

Tofu provides numerous nutrients needed for the development of a child and for conception in the first place. Magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, sodium, phosphorus, selenium, cooper and lots of vitamins are provided by this food, but the most important nutrient for women trying to conceive a baby is calcium.

100 grams of tofu contain 253 mg of calcium, so it’s more than recommended to incorporate this food in your weekly menu if you’re planning to give birth to a female baby and want to start by adopting a diet that’s friendlier to female sperm.

How To Have A Baby Girl Naturally - Eat Hard Cheese

Dairy products are contraindicated to women trying to get pregnant with male babies but are a must have for those looking for the best way to conceive a girl, so if you’re wondering how to have a baby girl naturally, here’s an easy to apply piece of advice: add more cheese to your diet.

Hard cheese contains important amounts of calcium, which is required for sustaining the fertilization of the egg by female sperm and works by making the vaginal pH more acidic, so it lowers the chances of survival for male sperm.

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Best Way To Conceive A Girl - Adopt A Low Calorie Diet

When a pregnant woman gains slightly more weight than anticipated it’s generally said that she’s expecting a baby boy, as male sperm is more fragile and needs more nutrients to resist inside the vagina and to get to the egg and fertilize it.

On the contrary, a diet that’s poorer in calories and only provides the needed nutrients for a healthy pregnancy but without adding unnecessary pounds to the woman’s body is more likely to sustain the conception of a female baby as female sperm is larger and survives better in hostile environments.

So if you want to have a baby boy, add calories to your diet and if you want to conceive a girl, stick with the minimum recommended amount of nutrients and calories. This way you won’t put your baby’s health at risk but you’ll increase the odds of having a female baby.

Best Way To Have A Girl Baby - Avoid Bread

This is probably a recommendation you didn’t expect to hear but if you’re really trying to find a solution to how to conceive a baby girl, reducing the intake of bread is a good starting point. Why is that, you might ask?

Mainly because bread contains potassium and sodium, which are almost always in higher amounts than calcium, magnesium and the other nutrients that can make the pH more acidic and the vaginal tract friendlier to female sperm and not to male one.

So if you want to make sure your body is more likely to allow the fertilization of the viable egg by female sperm and not by sperm carrying the y-chromosomes, make sure to restrict the intake of bread and add more foods rich in calcium and magnesium to your diet.

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    7 Easy Techniques to trying conceive a girl

    Easy way To conceive a girlAlthough trying to have a baby girl is a pleasant thing as it involves being intimate with your partner and sharing sweet moments together, it can also become frustrating when no results appear after several attempts.

    To make sure this time you apply the most effective solutions and find the best ways to get pregnant with a girl, you should take your time and read the recommendations below. These methods are proven by scientists to contribute to the conception of female babies instead of male ones, so why not give them a try?

    Trying To Have A Baby Girl - Eat Fewer Apples

    getting pregnant tipsThe fact that an apple a day keeps the doctor a day is a good indicative for the health benefits of these fruits, but apples aren’t necessarily the best allies for women trying to have a baby girl as well. This is because apples are highly alkalinizing and they create an internal environment that’s friendlier to male sperm than to female sperm.

    Moreover, apples provide quite large amounts of potassium, compared to the lower quantities of calcium they contain. Again, this is a fact to keep in mind, as potassium is known to favor the survival of sperm carrying the Y-chromosomes, not the X or female chromosomes.

    How To Conceive A Baby Girl By Eating Eggs

    While apples should be eaten in smaller amounts, eggs should be consumed several times a week by women looking for natural solutions on how to get pregnant with a girl. Eggs are considered acidic foods so they’re useful for decreasing the pH of the vaginal tract and making it more acidic, as this way it becomes more hostile to the fragile male sperm.

    Still, note that eggs are quite rich in potassium and sodium, both considered friendlier to male sperm than to cells carrying the X-chromosomes. So you shouldn’t eat eggs daily, two or three times a week is more than enough if each serving consists in two eggs or so.

    How To Make A Baby Girl By Using Vinegar

    While some scientists think douching is not the best way of changing your vaginal pH right after having intercourse, others believe adding some vinegar in the douching water can actually help as it does create a more acidic environment and kills the male sperm while helping female sperm to reach the fertile egg.

    To use this method, add one part of vinegar into 4 parts of water and douche after having intimate contact, but don’t exaggerate with this method as douching too often alters the natural bacterial environment in the vagina and can lead to infections.

    You can also ask your partner to have a hot bath right before having intimate contact as this will also help in destroying most of the male sperm cells while favoring the female sperm.

    How To Get Pregnant With A Girl By Eating Broccoli

    Broccoli is an excellent addition to your meals whether you’re trying to conceive or not. But if you are looking into natural ways to get pregnant with a female baby you might be surprised that adding broccoli to your daily menu can actually be the best way to conceive a girl.

    This green leafy vegetable provides huge amounts of minerals and vitamins that are needed for making the internal environment friendlier to female sperm. Broccoli, just like other leafy veggies, is very rich in magnesium and calcium, vitamin A, C and K and other nutrients that help in carrying a pregnancy to term.

    Although considered an alkalinizing food, broccoli – just like spinach and kale – is great for those of you wondering how to have a baby girl naturally due to the minerals contained by this food.

    How To Have A Baby Girl Naturally By Working More

    If the previously mentioned solutions sounded somehow logical, you may be wondering what the link between work and the baby’s gender is. According to researchers, higher cortisol levels favor the survival of sperm carrying female chromosomes.

    A study taken on a group of women who had both girls and boys revealed more stressed women were more prone to having female babies. As you known, the higher stress levels are, the higher cortisol production gets, so a solution for increasing the odds of having a female baby is to work more.

    However, this doesn’t mean you should get too stressed as it’s also proven that this reduces the chances of conceiving, so try to keep a balance if that makes any sense.

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    Best Way To Conceive A Girl - Ask Your Partner To Wear Tight Underwear

    It is well known that lower temperatures favor the survival of female sperm over male sperm, as the latter is more fragile and smaller, thus less likely to survive in unfriendly conditions. When the body temperature of the man or women gets higher, male sperm dies first, so female sperm reaching inside the vagina has higher chances of fertilizing the egg.

    To increase the temperature and do this selection naturally, you should ask your partner to take a hot shower before having sex and to wear tighter underwear as this helps increasing the temperature and reduces sperm count.

    Obviously, the fragile sperm cells carrying the Y-chromosomes die first, so this method is surely worth trying. Take your partner to a shopping session and pick some inciting underwear, as this will spice up your sex life while helping you conceive a female baby.

    Best Way To Have A Girl Baby - Eat More Fish

    If, however, you’re into more classical approaches, then adding some extra fish to your menu can be a good solution for increasing the odds of giving birth to a baby girl. Fish, just like poultry, beef and pork, is considered an acidic food, as it lowers the pH of bodily fluids, making them hostile for male sperm.

    Make sure to choose some species that contain lower amounts of mercury and higher amounts of good fatty acids, such as salmon, tuna or even sardines. Eat these cooked to prevent any potential side effect and opt for fresh fish rather than for canned one as this way you keep the salt intake under control better and you avoid lots of unnecessary preservatives.

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    7 Proven Ways To Make Sure

    getting pregnant a girl babyIf you’re among those women struggling to have a baby but saying “I want to have a baby girl, not a boy”, you’re probably curious to find out what to do to have a baby girl without asking for medical help and without relying on medical gender selection methods.

    The truth is natural and herbal solutions aren’t always successful but they have good chances of changing the balance and pH of your body, making it friendlier to female sperm and more hostile for sperm carrying the Y-chromosomes.

    So while it’s not guaranteed that you’ll give birth to a girl just because you eat certain foods, your chances to have a female baby can be significantly increased by adding these products to your menu!

    I Want To Have A Baby Girl - Eat More Rhubarb

    how do i conceive a girlRhubarb is a low in calorie vegetable that provides high amounts of fibers, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, among which the most important ones are vitamin A, the B-complex, vitamin K, calcium, iron, cooper and potassium.

    It promotes healthier bones and has pretty much the same effects as spinach and kale, preparing the internal environment for a healthy pregnancy.

    Being a green leafy vegetable, rhubarb is excellent for increasing the odds of getting pregnant with a baby girl as it delivers the necessary nutrients for your reproductive tract to become friendlier to female sperm that to sperm carrying the y-chromosomes.

    How To Conceive A Baby Girl With Brazil Nuts

    Brazil nuts are not only excellent snacks for those of you trying to keep their weight under control but also great additions to your menu if you’re trying to get pregnant with a baby girl.

    100 grams of brazil nuts provide 213 mg of calcium, 500 mg of magnesium, as well as important amounts of vitamins and other minerals needed for the healthy development of the baby. As you surely know by now, calcium and magnesium are the top 2 minerals required for preparing the body for the conception of a female baby.

    Brazil nuts also contain palmitoleic acid and oleic acid, which prepare the internal environment for the fertilization process, decreasing the chances for male sperm to survive in the bodily fluids and increasing the odds of having a baby girl.

    How To Make A Baby Girl With Figs

    If you’ve often said to yourself that “I want to have a baby girl”, then a great recommendation for boosting your fertility and making your body more likely to favor the traveling of female sperm towards the viable egg refers to figs. These fruits are excellent sources of vitamins, antioxidants and minerals, most important nutrients in figs being calcium, potassium, cooper, manganese, selenium, zinc and iron.

    Also, they provide high amounts of chlorogenic acid, vitamin B, A, K and E. All these ingredients work together in preparing the internal environment, changing the pH of bodily fluids and of the reproductive tract for increasing the odds of conceiving a baby.

    And given that most of these nutrients are friendlier to female sperm than to male one, it’s not hard to guess why figs are so recommended to women looking for the best way to have a girl baby.

    How To Get Pregnant With A Girl - Eat More Tofu

    Tofu provides numerous nutrients needed for the development of a child and for conception in the first place. Magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, sodium, phosphorus, selenium, cooper and lots of vitamins are provided by this food, but the most important nutrient for women trying to conceive a baby is calcium.

    100 grams of tofu contain 253 mg of calcium, so it’s more than recommended to incorporate this food in your weekly menu if you’re planning to give birth to a female baby and want to start by adopting a diet that’s friendlier to female sperm.

    How To Have A Baby Girl Naturally - Eat Hard Cheese

    Dairy products are contraindicated to women trying to get pregnant with male babies but are a must have for those looking for the best way to conceive a girl, so if you’re wondering how to have a baby girl naturally, here’s an easy to apply piece of advice: add more cheese to your diet.

    Hard cheese contains important amounts of calcium, which is required for sustaining the fertilization of the egg by female sperm and works by making the vaginal pH more acidic, so it lowers the chances of survival for male sperm.

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    Best Way To Conceive A Girl - Adopt A Low Calorie Diet

    When a pregnant woman gains slightly more weight than anticipated it’s generally said that she’s expecting a baby boy, as male sperm is more fragile and needs more nutrients to resist inside the vagina and to get to the egg and fertilize it.

    On the contrary, a diet that’s poorer in calories and only provides the needed nutrients for a healthy pregnancy but without adding unnecessary pounds to the woman’s body is more likely to sustain the conception of a female baby as female sperm is larger and survives better in hostile environments.

    So if you want to have a baby boy, add calories to your diet and if you want to conceive a girl, stick with the minimum recommended amount of nutrients and calories. This way you won’t put your baby’s health at risk but you’ll increase the odds of having a female baby.

    Best Way To Have A Girl Baby - Avoid Bread

    This is probably a recommendation you didn’t expect to hear but if you’re really trying to find a solution to how to conceive a baby girl, reducing the intake of bread is a good starting point. Why is that, you might ask?

    Mainly because bread contains potassium and sodium, which are almost always in higher amounts than calcium, magnesium and the other nutrients that can make the pH more acidic and the vaginal tract friendlier to female sperm and not to male one.

    So if you want to make sure your body is more likely to allow the fertilization of the viable egg by female sperm and not by sperm carrying the y-chromosomes, make sure to restrict the intake of bread and add more foods rich in calcium and magnesium to your diet.
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    5 Easy Tips Diet To Conceive A Girl

    how to conceive a girlFollowing a diet to conceive a girl is probably the simplest solution for women wanting to have a baby girl without relying on medical solutions.

    As strange and unrealistic as it may sound, adopting a certain meal plan to conceive a girl can be even more successful than ovulation tracking procedures as this method works by influencing the pH inside the vagina and womb, making it easier for sperm carrying female chromosomes to survive and travel through the fallopian tubes in order to meet the ovule.

    Still, not all foods are recommended when trying to find out how to make a baby girl. Diet rules for increasing the chances of having a female baby say most of the eaten foods should be acid instead of alkaline, because an acid environment is more favorable for this purpose. So here’s a brief list of what to eat to conceive a girl.!

    Include citrus fruits in your diet to conceive a girl

    A diet to conceive a baby girl should include lots of citrus fruits, as these are the most effective when it comes to increasing vaginal acidity and decreasing the lifespan of male-sperm inside the fallopian tubes or uterus.

    Sperm cells carrying male chromosomes are less resistant and smaller than those carrying female chromosomes therefore in a harsh and acidic environment, second ones have higher chances to survive and fertilize the egg. However, when the pH is too acid, the risk for all sperm cells to be destroyed is quite pronounced.

    Getting back to their benefits: citrus fruits are very rich in vitamins so they also contribute to increased energy levels during pregnancy and to an elevated mood in moms-to-be. Maintaining these products in your diet is therefore recommended not only while trying to have a baby but also after getting pregnant.

    Still, note that eating too many citrus fruits and eliminating other vitamin sources from your menu can also be harmful as acidity inside the digestive tract can get much higher than normal, favoring the onset of stomach pain and discomfort, ulcers, nausea and vomiting. Also, vitamin deficiencies can occur and this is surely not desirable for a future mom, whose body needs all vitamins to ensure a protective and healthy environment for the baby.

    Adopt a vegetable-based meal plan to conceive a girl

    Eating 150 grams of fresh vegetables daily is useful in conceiving a baby girl, according to scientists. Besides being rich in magnesium and containing very low amounts of sodium, these products are also low in calories, this being another factor which seems to contribute to having a girl. Women eating around 1500 calories a day are more likely to give birth to girls, as statistical data suggests.

    What to eat to conceive a girl? Carrots, preferably boiled or steamed, fresh onion added in green salad and mixed with tomatoes, turnips and cucumbers, green and red peppers, radishes, eggplants, green beans and peas. Also, asparagus, cress and celery are good alternatives when it comes to finding a good diet to conceive a girl.

    However, for reducing the risks associated with a low-calorie diet in pregnant women, you should not rely on a very strict meal plan consisting only of veggies and fruits, as fibers, proteins and fats are also extremely important for a healthy baby.

    Diet to conceive a baby girl – spinach is a must!

    A meal plan to conceive a girl should always include spinach as this vegetable is one of the best sources of magnesium a woman can have when trying to have a baby. According to scientists, foods high in this mineral favor egg’s fertilization by female-producing sperm, just like products low in potassium. Fortunately, spinach meets both these criteria so it’s surely a winning choice for having a female baby.

    Still, spinach alone won’t do the entire job so in order to enhance the changes and this mineral’s effect on the vaginal environment, vitamins A and C as well as high amounts of folic acid and iron should also be added to your daily diet.

    By taking these nutrients on a regular basis, you also prepare your body for a healthy pregnancy as all the mentioned compounds are required for the baby’s normal development and growth inside the womb. Still, it’s better to take these minerals from natural sources such as fresh spinach and other green vegetables instead of dietary supplements, when possible, as you need a certain number of calories as well in order to ensure a healthy environment for the future baby.

    Dairy products as a healthy solution for making a baby girl

    How to conceive a girl? Diet plans based on dairy products are considered among the best when it comes to finding a natural solution for having a female baby. The explanation is quite simple: products containing important amounts of milk or derivatives are rich in calcium, mineral known to favor the fertilization of eggs by female-producing sperm.

    Cheese is a great choice for women trying to conceive not only during this period but also when pregnant, as the fetus needs lots of calcium for growing and developing normally. His or her bones and teeth contain and need this mineral for getting stronger during the intrauterine life, so cheese and foods rich in calcium shouldn’t miss from the diet of a mom-to-be.

    Yogurts are another great addition to a meal plan to conceive a girl as a single cup of 200 grams plain yogurt delivers up to 400 mg of calcium. By adding some frozen fruits like berries, strawberries or kiwi in a cup of yogurt you can obtain a fresh, tasty and healthy desert while increasing the chances of having a girl!

    Still, avoid opting for high-fat yogurts as these favor the accumulation of fats due to their high content of sugar and excess pounds are surely not a desirable thing before getting pregnant.

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    What to eat to conceive a girl? Chocolate!

    For those interested in how to conceive a girl, diet plans based on sweets and sugary products could be a solution as long as the sugar intake is not excessive. Higher amounts of sugar into the bloodstream increase acidity inside the digestive tract and vagina, acting just like citrus fruits and compromising sperm cells carrying male chromosomes.

    Still, given the unwanted effects a rich in sugar diet can have on a future mom’s silhouette, opting for dark chocolate is perhaps the best solution for preventing obesity and hyperglycemia in the long run. As known, women are likely to develop diabetes during the gestational period due to both excess weight accumulation and a rich in sugar diet, so controlling the intake of sweets is still required when trying to have a girl.

    Home-made chocolate cakes, cookies and pastries containing this sweet ingredient can be consumed few days in a row after menstruation, for creating a proper environment for sperm cells carrying female chromosomes but the meal plan should be balanced in order to prevent blood glucose levels from remaining high for longer periods.

    So remember, if you’re looking for a meal plan to conceive a girl or you’re not sure what foods to include in your diet to conceive a girl, the most recommended products are those with high magnesium and calcium content and those able to increase vaginal and digestive tract acidity.
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    7 Guaranteed Ways

    how to have a girl babyMost of the tips to conceive a girl you can find online refer to foods one should eat or to positions a couple should adopt when having baby-making sex, in order to favor the traveling of female sperm towards the ovule or to create a more hostile environment for the male sperm.

    So if you’re constantly saying “I want to have a baby girl” and all the tips and solutions you tried until now failed in providing the expected results, take a look at the suggestions below!

    Tips To Conceive A Girl: Eat More Almonds

    Almonds make great snacks for women trying to conceive as they are very rich in vitamins and minerals that support the healthy development of the baby and the fertilization of the egg in the first place.

    Contrary to the general opinion, almonds don’t provide only good fats but also important quantities of calcium, 100 grams of almonds containing 251 mg of this mineral. Moreover, the same quantity of almonds provides 255 mg of magnesium, another crucial nutrient for conceiving a female baby.

    Iron, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc and manganese, cooper and selenium are also found in these foods but in smaller amounts, which is a good thing for women trying to have a baby girl as the most important nutrients for favoring the female sperm are, as previously said, magnesium and calcium.

    How To Conceive A Baby Girl With Vitamin D

    Vitamin D isn’t directly linked with the conception of female babies but this nutrient does affect the fertilization process as it enhances the absorption of calcium inside the digestive tract. This means that even if your diet isn’t the richest in this nutrient, you can get higher amounts of calcium from the foods you eat by simply adding some more vitamin D in your weekly menu.

    Obviously, this will have consequences on your fertility as calcium is the mineral that’s the most important – along with magnesium – for giving birth to baby girls instead of baby boys. So if you’re not willing to rely on medical treatments for selecting your baby’s gender, take some vitamin D supplements or eat more foods rich in this vitamin.

    How To Make A Baby Girl Using Red Clover

    What makes red clover effective in preparing the body for a pregnancy and more than this, effective in favoring the survival of female sperm over male sperm is the high content of calcium, iron, folate and vitamin A. 100 grams of red clover contain no less than 32 mg of calcium, this mineral being crucial for the conception of a female baby.

    Both you and your partner can benefit from this product as in your case red clover will make the pH of your reproductive tract more acidic and thus friendlier to female sperm, while in your partner it will lower the male sperm count, decreasing the odds for male sperm to reach inside the vagina and fertilize the egg.

    How To Get Pregnant With A Girl With Dandelions

    Dandelions are a good herbal solution for women looking for tips to conceive a girl as they provide important nutrients for the future mother: vitamin B and A, zinc, cooper and large amounts of magnesium that regulate blood pressure and make the body friendlier to female sperm.

    Moreover, dandelions provide good amounts of fibers that prevent excess weight and reduce levels of bad cholesterol, and high concentrations of calcium, which not only builds stronger bones but also enhances the chances of getting pregnant with a baby girl.

    Dandelions can be incorporated in your diet plan in different forms, but if you don’t really like the idea of eating cooked dandelion greens, you can always prepare dandelion tea for you and your partner and drink 2-3 cups daily.

    How To Have A Baby Girl Naturally Using Nettle Tea

    Nettles and nettle leaf tea as well contain very high amounts of vitamin K, A, C and D, necessary for a woman trying to get pregnant with a female or male baby. With a mild, pleasant taste, nettle tea can be consumed daily for boosting a woman’s fertility and preparing it for having a baby.

    But besides enhancing the odds of conceiving, this tea can actually help one select their baby’s gender as it contains very high amounts of calcium, along with iron, potassium and sulphur. Both the male and the female can benefit from drinking this tea so it should be incorporated in your menu if you’re planning to have a baby girl.

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    Best Way To Have A Girl Baby - Soak Up In The Sun

    How can soaking up in the sun help you have a female baby or how is this linked with conception in the first place? As known, exposing your skin to sun stimulates the production of certain nutrients inside skin cells, one of these being vitamin D.

    We previously said that vitamin D plays a very important role in the absorption of calcium in your organism so if you’re a female trying to have a baby girl and consuming good amounts of calcium, but failing in conceiving, you might need to just get outside a little more often and enjoy the benefits sunlight can provide!

    Best Way To Conceive A Girl - Use Saw Palmetto

    Saw palmetto is by far one of the best plants women can use for increasing their chances of having a female baby as this natural solution works by altering the hormonal balance inside the woman’s organism and by lowering testosterone levels.

    Moreover, it has the same effects on men and besides altering levels of testosterone it also raises progesterone levels, boosting fertility and increasing the odds for conception to actually take place.

    All these effects are crucial for giving birth to a baby girl so if you really want to have a female baby and want to use only natural tips to conceive a girl, saw palmetto is an excellent choice as it will make your body friendlier to female sperm and will reduce the amount of male sperm in your partner.

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    7 Powerful Ways

    how to get pregnant girlIf you’re constantly wondering what to do to have a baby girl without having to pay for expensive treatments or drugs, the best answer is to look for natural solutions and tips that can help you select your baby’s gender without any help from physicians.

    A quick search online can give you lots of suggestions on how to have a girl baby, lots of them being already tested by other women who, just like you, wanted to have a female baby but without undergoing medical procedures. Here are some of the pieces of advice other women who managed to conceive girls could give you.

    What To Do To Have A Baby Girl - Restrict Sugar Intake

    Restricting the sugar intake is a simple solution for limiting the amount of calories eaten daily. As known, female sperm molecules are larger and less fragile than male sperm, therefore they can survive better even when they don’t receive all the nutrients they need.

    By eating fewer sweets and sugary products, you can stick with a diet that’s lower in calories thus less likely to support the male sperm and the fertilization of the egg by cells carrying the Y-chromosomes.

    How To Conceive A Baby Girl - Use Vegetable Oils

    how to get pregnant with a baby girlVegetable oils such as olive oil for example can be wonderful allies when trying to conceive a baby girl, especially when they’re used as lubricants. Inserted into the vagina in very small amounts, this oil favors the traveling of sperm towards the ovules and makes it easier for conception to take place.

    However, if you want to have a girl instead of a boy, you should mix this method with another one, more classical, such as the rule that says to have sex 4 days prior to ovulation, as this way male sperm is quite likely to die until the ovule is released.

    Vegetable oils, unlike petroleum-based ones, don’t alter the pH of the vaginal flora so their effectiveness is not based by the principle that says that a lower pH – meaning a more acidic one – favors the survival of female sperm.

    How To Make A Baby Girl - Avoid Watermelon

    Watermelon is one of the most delicious fruits you can have during summertime but it’s not the best choice for those of you wondering what to do to have a baby girl without relying on medical treatments.

    Although low in calories and excellent for detoxifying the body and preparing a healthier environment for a baby to be conceived, this fruit is also alkalinizing, which means it actually works by increasing the vaginal pH or making it friendlier to male sperm, not to sperm carrying the X-chromosomes.

    Thus, if you’re trying to adopt a diet that would boost the chances of getting pregnant with a female baby, make sure to keep the intake of watermelon at a minimum and replace it with fruits that are more acidic.

    How To Get Pregnant With A Girl - Eat More Chicken

    Adding more chicken to your diet is a good strategy for increasing the odds of getting pregnant with a female baby. How does this food help you conceive a girl instead of a boy, you might ask?

    Just like other meat types, poultry or chicken creates an acidic environment inside the vagina, which means that ingredients in this food work by lowering the pH of the bodily fluids and the lower the pH goes, the more difficult it gets for sperm carrying the Y-chromosomes to survive.

    You should opt for well cooked chicken – avoid fried chicken if possible – as eating it only partially cooked can be unhealthy for both you and the baby, in case you manage to get pregnant.

    How To Have A Baby Girl Naturally - Don’t Eat Rice

    If you’ve been searching for tips on how to make a girl baby for a longer period you probably know that it’s generally recommended to adopt a diet that’s lower in calories for a girl and a higher caloric one for conceiving a boy.

    Rice is one of the foods that are healthy but also very rich in calories, especially if we talk about white rice. Yes, it does provide calcium and magnesium but it contains even larger amounts of potassium, and this mineral is friendlier to male sperm than to female one, as studies have shown.

    It’s therefore better to limit the intake of white rice and to opt for more green leafy veggies, which are considered the best allies for conceiving a baby girl. Also, more meat and dairy products can help you select your baby’s gender naturally.

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    Best Way To Conceive A Girl - Use Mustard

    Mustard has numerous health benefits, starting from its low caloric content and continuing with its high content of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium and other important vitamins and nutrients that are required for carrying a healthy pregnancy to term. However, mustard does provide high amounts of sodium too, so this is why the intake should be moderate.

    When consumed correctly, just for adding flavor to foods, mustard can increase the chances of having a baby girl as even if seeds by themselves are not acidic, certain ingredients added in the various types of mustard on the market make these products rather acidic than alkaline.

    As you already know, the lower the pH in your vaginal tract is, the higher the chances for conceiving a baby girl as male sperm doesn’t usually survive in acid environments.

    Best Way To Have A Girl Baby - Eat More Spices

    Last tip for those of you looking for the best way to conceive a girl using only natural methods refers to adding more spices to your daily meals. Pepper, sumac, peppers, these can all turn your internal pH into a more acidic one, although you don’t usually perceive spices as “acidic” foods.

    Compared to lemons for example, which are alkalinizing, spices seem less acidic, when they actually lower the pH of the bodily fluids. So make sure to add them to your dishes if you want your body to be friendlier to female sperm than to male one.

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  • How To Conceive a Girl

    Food For Pregnant Women - 5 Unique Tips

    diet to conceive a girlFoods to eat to conceive a girl are those that increase the acidity inside the digestive tract and as a consequence inside the vagina as well. A more acidic environment is known to favor the survival of sperm cells which later generate a female embryo, while an alkaline environment is linked with increased chances of having a boy.

    Although studies recommend following the acidic diet to conceive a girl for at least three months before conception, a meal plan containing only foods that increase stomach acidity is not a good long term solution as it may result in digestive discomfort, ulcers or even more serious health problems.

    Still, this doesn’t change the fact that for women trying to conceive a girl, diet is one of the greatest allies so if you’re interested to learn what to eat to conceive a girl and how to balance your meal plan to avoid health issues, keep reading the pieces of advice below!

    Foods to eat to conceive a girl – all types of berries

    Cranberries, blueberries, Goji berries, strawberries and all other types of berries you can think about can be consumed in unlimited amounts when trying to have a girl as these are proven to decrease the vaginal pH, making it harder for male sperm cells to survive.

    Besides favoring female sperm cells, these fruits are also very poor in calories so they satisfy another theory talking about the best diet to conceive a girl, theory claiming that eating fewer calories increases the chances of having a female baby. This statement is based on statistical data showing that women who follow low calorie diets for at least 3-4 months before conceiving usually give birth to girls instead of boys.

    So if you want to know what to eat to conceive a girl, the first answer is lots of berries. To prevent high blood sugar levels and keep the risks of later developing gestational diabetes is better to opt for unsweetened fruits, whether you serve them fresh or frozen. Berries canned in syrup, although tasty and good for creating a favorable environment for female sperm cells, aren’t that healthy so it’s better to avoid them.

    Whole grains must be included in your diet to conceive a girl

    The main reason whole grains are a must for women trying to get pregnant with a female baby is the high magnesium and selenium content of these foods. Besides enhancing immunity and strengthening bones through their high content of antioxidants, these two minerals also increase the chances of conceiving a girl.

    The link between this mineral and a baby’s gender was first discussed in a study published in Reproductive Biomedicine Online, scientists who investigated this problem reporting a higher likelihood of having a female baby in women consuming rich in magnesium foods.

    Although the daily recommended dose of magnesium for women is 310 milligrams, those trying to get pregnant can eat up to 400 mg of whole grains daily without altering their health state. The same amount should be eaten during pregnancy in order to ensure a normal development of the baby.

    Weight gain should not be a reason of concern for women eating large amounts of whole grains to conceive a girl. Diet plans incorporating foods obtained from whole wheat, brown rice, sprouted grains, oat, buckwheat and maize actually prevent weight gain, a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition says, and this also enhances the chances of having a girl.

    Foods to eat to conceive a girl – all types of beans

    Whether we refer to kidney beans, soya or navy beans, to black beans, lentils, red or pinto beans, these foods are a great addition for women trying to get pregnant with a female baby. Just like whole grains, beans deliver impressive amounts of magnesium and they’re very rich in fibers as well, contributing to a healthier weight management in the long run.

    By preventing weight gain and enriching one’s diet with high amounts of proteins, iron, folate and good carbs, beans satisfy the theory saying that women weighting less are more likely to give birth to girls.

    Another reason to incorporate beans in a diet to conceive a girl is their low in fat content. According to Dr. Rosenfeld from the University of Missouri, a meal plan delivering lower amounts of fats is a better choice for women trying to have a female baby than a diet based on rich in fats foods.

    So here’s the third answer for women wondering what to eat to conceive a girl : lots of beans, in all possible forms, although the best ones for avoiding digestive discomfort, bloating and gas are fermented ones.

    Increase the chances of having a girl by drinking milk

    Nutritionists and obstetricians alike agree that milk is a must in a future mom’s diet so if you’re planning to get pregnant and want to have a baby girl, you should increase the milk intake with at least 3 months before the moment of conception. Here are the main reasons this beverage is so recommended for conceiving a female baby: first, it delivers important amounts of calcium, mineral proven to favor female sperm and decrease the lifespan of sperm cells carrying male chromosomes.

    Then, milk has a pH of around 6.5 and contains lactic acid, which means it can slightly increase acidity inside the digestive tract and vaginal environment. However, to make sure your milk-based diet to conceive a girl is a total success, you can add some kefir grains in your cup of milk and let it ferment.

    While milk is surely a good addition to any meal plan, whether you’re trying to get pregnant or not, drinking more than 750 ml a day can increase stomach acidity too much, leading to gastric reflux and ulcers. So in order to prevent such problems, make sure you limit the daily intake of milk to three cups or replace one cup with one serving of natural yogurt.

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    How to conceive a girl – diet containing canned salmon

    Our brief list of foods to eat to conceive a girl ends with canned salmon, this fish being one of the best allies for women trying to remain slim while increasing their chances of having a female baby. Extremely rich in proteins, vitamin D and fatty acids, canned salmon is the right choice for women who don’t want to give up fish entirely while trying to get pregnant with a girl.

    Unlike canned salmon, smoked one contains high amounts of salt and studies suggest an increased intake of salted foods favors the conception of baby boys and not girls. To make canned salmon tastier, you can include it in a cheeseburger, as cheese is rich in calcium which also favors the survival of female sperm cells.

    Also, salads made of green leafy veggies, eggs, canned salmon, avocados and lemons are great meal options for women looking for foods to eat to conceive a girl, as all these ingredients are linked with an increased likelihood of having a female baby.

    how to a baby girl - 7 great easy way

    7 great Easy Ways Baby girl pregnant

    Looking for solutions to how to get pregnant with a girl but don’t really want to invest in too expensive medical treatments that can help you choose your baby’s gender? Then why don’t you try some herbal and natural solutions, such as the foods, plants and sexual positions recommended below?

    These are among the simplest ways to get pregnant with a girl and they are not only affordable but also very easy to apply in the comfort of your home, with no intervention from a specialist.

    As you’ll see, these suggestions are quite simple and are, most of them, based on the principle that says that a more acidic internal environment favors the survival of female sperm and that a vaginal tract that receives fewer nutrients and it drier is less likely to support the traveling of male sperm towards the egg.

    How To Get Pregnant With A Girl By Eating White Pasta

    Best ways to have a girlWhite pasta is often avoided by women trying to get pregnant as even if this food provides quite large amounts of nutrients it also comes with lots of calories. But the good news is all these calories and nutrients are helpful when looking for solutions to how to get pregnant with a girl or boy.

    Now, just to make sure your efforts are correctly rewarded, try to limit the intake to 2-3 portions a week and make sure you get pasta that’s enriched with calcium and fiber. Calcium will boost the chances of conceiving a baby girl, while fibers will improve digestion and prevent the accumulation of excess pounds.

    How To Conceive A Baby Girl - Delay Motherhood

    While this is a less classical and sometimes risky method of increasing the odds of having a girl instead of a boy, it’s scientifically proven that women who delay motherhood and give birth to babies in their middle 30s or early 40s are more likely to have female babies.

    The explanation is quite simple: with age, the level of testosterone in a woman’s body decreases considerably so even women who only gave birth to boys in their early fertile period can conceive a girl as they approach the age of 40.

    However, if you don’t really want to wait that long for having a female baby, there are lots of natural, noninvasive and affordable solutions to how to conceive a baby girl, so make sure to check the other alternatives listed here.

    Best Way To Have A Girl Baby - Avoid Mint Tea

    A more convenient solution refers to avoiding mint tea, as even if this plant is known to provide very large amounts of vitamin C, A and B12, as well as folic acid, all of them excellent stress-relievers and fertility boosters, regular intake of mint tea is linked with higher chances of conceiving baby boys.

    A better nourished internal environment is more likely to favor the fast movement of male sperm towards the ovule and the fertilization.

    Female sperm survives easier in an environment that’s somehow deprived of certain nutrients, so while we don’t encourage you to adopt a diet that lacks important nutrients, we do recommend avoiding this tea and replacing it with products that are friendlier to female sperm, such as raspberry tea for example.

    Best Position To Conceive A Girl - Spice Up The Missionary Position

    When it comes to finding the best position to conceive a girl, most specialists agree that those positions that allow for shallow penetration are better for having a female baby. However, having sex only in the same position can be boring and since the missionary one is the most recommended for conceiving a girl, perhaps you should look for ways to spice it up a little.

    Give an extra zip to this classic position by raising a leg until the knee touches your partner’s shoulder or by putting one leg around his waist. This will make things funnier so even if it’s not full proof, meaning that it doesn’t guarantee you’ll have a baby girl, it’s still nice to try it for some variation!

    How To Have A Baby Girl Naturally With Blueberries

    Blueberries are very rich in antioxidants which protect against harmful free radicals, enhancing immunity and making it easier for a woman to conceive and carry the pregnancy to term. Also, these fruits provide high amounts of B vitamins, vitamin C, A and E as well as manganese, potassium, zinc, iron and cooper.

    All these nutrients are necessary for creating a healthy internal environment but they’re not the main reason that blueberries are recommended when trying to have a baby girl. The ingredient that makes these fruits effective in increasing the odds of having a female baby is the chlorogenic acid, found in high amounts in blueberries.

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    How To Make A Baby Girl - Drink Coffee

    Many scientists believe that consuming coffee during pregnancy or before getting pregnant is not healthy, but the truth is that consumed in proper amounts, this beverage can help one get pregnant with a female baby.

    Coffee makes the internal pH more acidic and this is the simplest way to select your baby’s gender naturally: by making sure the pH of your vagina is friendlier to female sperm than to male sperm.

    But, as said, make sure not to exceed two cups of coffee per day, as studies have shown that women who drink lots of coffee on a daily basis usually need three times the interval other women need for conceiving a baby.

    Best Way To Conceive A Girl - Use Sudafed

    A last suggestion for those of you trying to get pregnant with a female baby is to start using Sudafed right before having intimate contact as this will dry up the cervical fluid, making the vaginal environment less friendly to male sperm.

    When the vagina is better lubricated there are lower chances of making a baby girl as male sperm travels faster but if there isn’t enough fluid, the X-bearing sperm will survive while the male sperm will die. So creating a hostile environment is a good strategy for increasing the odds of having a baby girl.

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  • How To Have A Baby Girl Naturally - Some Simple and Accurate Method

    7 Simple Methods

    An easy way to determine a baby girlFrom eating particular fruits and veggies or adding certain types of meat and dairy products to your diet, to adopting certain positions while having intimate relationships, solutions on how to have a baby girl naturally are widely available online.

    A simple search can give you dozens of suggestions and alternatives, some of them sustained by scientific data and others based on statistics and personal experiences. Still, it’s always a good idea to try several methods and mix them, if you’re really interested in getting pregnant with a baby girl.

    How To Have A Baby Girl Naturally - Eat Pudding

    A first tasty and enjoyable tip for those of you wondering how to get pregnant with a girl refers to eating more pudding. Why pudding, you might ask? A first reason would be that, when prepared correctly, it provides high amounts of calcium, this nutrient being the most important for conceiving a female baby.

    Then, because it’s a very accessible solution and even if it doesn’t guarantee you’ll get pregnant with a girl, it’s still a nice addition to any pre-sex meal. So why not take advantage of this desert and add it to your menu more often.?

    How To Make A Baby Girl - Avoid Sex After Ovulation

    Female sperm, or the sperm carrying the X-chromosome, is known to survive in the vaginal tract longer than male sperm, which carries the Y-chromosomes. Male sperm is more lightweight and more fragile, and usually survives for two days or so, while female sperm can live inside the vagina for up to 4 days.

    This means that if you have sex few days before ovulation and then avoid having intercourse, the chances for male sperm to survive and fertilize the egg that is released at ovulation drop considerably after 2 days.

    On the contrary, female sperm that survives inside the reproductive tract is quite likely to find its way to the fertile egg and to fertilize it, giving birth to a female baby. Unlike the previous method, this one has slightly higher chances to be successful, so make sure to try it as well!

    If you’re not sure when your most fertile period is and when exactly are the eggs released by your ovaries, make sure to learn about the signs of ovulation as this is also very important for knowing the days you should avoid having intimate contact with your partner.

    How To Conceive A Baby Girl - The Hands And Knees Position

    Most couples know the missionary position is excellent for conceiving girls while the doggy style or other positions that allow for deep penetration are better for giving birth to male babies than to girls.

    But this doesn’t mean you and your partner should only use one position – your intimate life would get quite boring after a while! So another recommendation for those of you wondering how to have a baby girl naturally is to use the hands and knees position.

    Just like the missionary one, this one allows for shallow penetration, which means sperm is placed closer to the vaginal entry and has to travel more to reach the ovaries and ovules. Given that male sperm dies faster than female one, this position can considerably increase the odds of having a female baby.

    How To Get Pregnant With A Girl - Eat More Seeds

    Seeds are rich in vitamin E, zinc, glutamate which reduces anxiety and helps one relax, as well as oleic acid, which not only lowers bad cholesterol levels but also creates a proper environment for the sperm carrying the female X-chromosomes.

    Still, note that seeds, although great sources of antioxidants, minerals, fibers and vitamins, are quite rich in calories. Pumpkin seeds for example provide 560 calories per 100 grams, so you shouldn’t have too large amounts of these foods if you want to keep your weight in normal limits while trying to conceive.

    Ways To Get Pregnant With A Girl - Take Calcium Supplements

    Of all minerals and vitamins out there, calcium remains the most important one for carrying a healthy pregnancy and giving birth to a baby girl. This nutrient is always recommended to women looking for the best way to conceive a girl naturally as it’s the one that ensures a proper internal environment for the female sperm.

    Calcium also prevents health issues like osteoporosis and ensures a healthy development of the baby’s bones, teeth, hair and other organs, so even if you fail in conceiving a girl, if you do add this mineral to your diet, you’ll give birth to a healthy boy.

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    Best Way To Conceive A Girl - Avoid Using Lubricants

    If you often rely on over-the-counter lubricants for making intercourse more pleasant, it’s time to stop using it, especially if you’re planning to have a baby girl and you’re searching for the best ways to have a girl baby.

    It’s scientifically proven that male sperm dies faster when the vaginal tract lacks fluids so a drier reproductive tract will support better the traveling of female sperm, which is larger and less fragile.

    On the other hand, when you use lubricants, you increase the amount of bodily fluids inside the vagina and make it easier for the lightweight sperm carrying the Y-chromosomes to reach the ovule and fertilize it, so you’re more likely to have a baby boy

    Best Way To Have A Girl Baby - Avoid Standing Sex

    When having sex in a standing position, chances for the heavier female sperm to reach the ovules are considerably reduced, while the male sperm which is a lot lighter and swims faster through the bodily fluids has better chances to reach the ovules and fertilize them.

    Thus, if you’re looking for an enjoyable and affordable solution to how to get pregnant with a girl, talk to your partner and few days before and after ovulation, try to adopt only positions that would allow the heavy female sperm to travel towards the ovules.

    Remember not to have sexual contact right after ovulation as we already mentioned this increases the odds of having a male baby instead of a female one.

    You can read an article about how having a baby girl

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  • How To Have a Girl - 7 Best Ways in Which To Has a Baby Girl

    How To Have a Girl - 7 Best Ways in Which To Has a Baby Girl

     have baby a girl planning
     How to A baby A girl Prediction When looking into how to make a baby girl, several aspects have to be considered, from the most favorable moment for having sex to the future mom’s diet. Measuring the body basal temperature daily and charting ovulation are the most accurate methods one can use when trying to find out how to conceive a girl without relying on medical gender selection procedures.

    However, some less scientific methods – such as using vinegar when douching or eating more acidic foods can also bring good results for those wondering how to make a girl. Baby’s gender seems to also be influenced by the position adopted during sexual intercourse, so make sure you get familiar with all these more or less scientific techniques if you’re trying to conceive a girl.

    How to make a baby girl by choosing the best moment in your ovulation cycle

    Baby a GirlScientists say the day in your ovulation cycle when you have intercourse can influence your baby’s gender as female chromosomes – those tiny fragments of DNA and proteins living inside each cell’s nucleus and responsible for one’s physical features – live longer than male chromosomes in sperm cells.

    Every time you have sexual intercourse and your partner’s sperm reaches inside the vagina, two types of DNA-carrying particles are released: male and female sperm. Obviously, if you’re trying to find out how to conceive a girl, you’ll have to find the best method to make female cells outlive the latter inside your womb or fallopian tubes.

    Female sperm molecules are slightly bigger and remain viable inside the womb up to 72 hours. During this interval, they’re constantly seeking an egg to fertilize so by having sex 3 days before ovulation you considerably increase the changes for female sperm to be the only one present inside the fallopian tubes when the egg is released.

    So remember, the first rule for those wondering how to make a baby girl refers to finding the best moment for sexual intercourse and that moment is 3 days before ovulation. However, this isn’t always as simple as it seems so the second rule we’ll look into will explain how to calculate this day by tracking ovulation.

    How to make a girl – Baby gender selection through ovulation tracking

    While some women have very regular menstrual cycles, others have a really tough time when it comes to predicting the exact ovulation date so using an ovulation predicting kit is the easiest way to enhance the changes of having a baby girl. These kits can be purchased from any pharmacy and they’re very easy to use so anyone can use this unconventional gender selection method in the intimacy of their own home.

    Kits for ovulation prediction work by detecting the presence of a certain hormone, called luteinizing hormone (LH) in the woman’s urine or by measuring levels of estrogens in the future mom’s saliva. Those measuring the LH level in urine are considered 99% accurate and they need to be taken for at least 6 days starting with the 11th day of your menstrual cycle. One or two day before ovulation actually takes place and the ready-to-be-fertilized egg is released, a surge in LH levels will be detected.

    This surge will be visible as colored bands appearing on the test stick after urine is placed on the test kit. For maximum accuracy, urine should be collected between 10 am and 8 pm, preferably at about the same hour every day. If possible, try to take the test around 2 pm as this hour is considered the most relevant for analyzing compounds in urine.

    After taking the test, the result should be visible in 10 minutes – if LH levels are higher than normal, the colored band appears and it doesn’t fade away within the next hours. If no surge is detected, you should continue taking the test for at least 5 days more – don’t worry, these kits come with 5 to 9 sticks so you won’t have to buy additional ones for detecting your most fertile days when looking into how to make a girl.

    Baby gender selection using saliva-based ovulation tracking tests

    Saliva-based ovulation predicting kits are easier to use yet less accurate than urine-based OPKs as besides estrogens, saliva also contains salt and both these compounds are found in higher than normal amounts before and during ovulation. What these tests actually measure is the so-called “salivary ferning” or the drying of saliva and the formation of a fern-like pattern on the test stick.

    Putting too much saliva on the kit or taking the test after drinking or eating something can alter its results. The easiest way to test your estrogen levels with this OPK is by placing saliva with your fingers on the stick or by licking it before eating and drinking anything. Still, tiny air bubbles may enter saliva so again, the test’s results can be compromised.

    Just like urine-based ovulation predictor tests, saliva-based ones should be used for 5-9 days so if your cycle is rather regular and lasts for around 30 days you can start testing for estrogen levels from day 11-14. But if your cycles are irregular, count the number of days in your shorter cycle, count backwards by 2 weeks and then start testing from the day you obtained through this process.

    You may need to test estrogen levels from day 5 while other women do this starting with day 22! This is perfectly normal as every organism is different so make sure you follow the tips above correctly in order to avoid spending a fortune on OPKs and using them daily.

    How to make a baby girl by controlling acidity level inside the womb

    How to conceive a girl without worrying about ovulation and fertile days? By controlling acidity levels inside the vagina – as strange as it sounds, this can be done very easy by adding some vinegar in the water when taking a bath.

    Acidic environments are known to favor the survival of female sperm so douching with acidic water after having intercourse increases the changes of conceiving a girl. Still, avoid using too much vinegar as using more than one part of acid solution to four parts of water leads to a very acid environment, altering the bacterial equilibrium inside the vagina and killing all sperm cells.

    To make sure the vaginal acidity is favorable for conceiving a girl, you can test it using regular pH paper strips. Just hold the paper against the vaginal walls for few seconds and then wait for the kit’s color to change. Compare the result with those given on the chart.

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    How to make a girl by measuring basal body temperature

    The basal body temperature ( BBT ) is the temperature your body has in the morning, right after waking up. As ovulation approaches, hormonal changes inside your body lead to an increased BBT, which can be easily detected with a regular or special thermometer.

    By charting the obtained values the body’s temperature patterns can be easier detected and the most fertile period can be predicted with accuracy. Before ovulation, the basal body temperature is 0.4 to 1 F degree lower than during ovulation so if you notice an increase in the recorder values it means your fertile period starts.

    For better results, try to measure the BBT before you get out of bed, at the same hour each morning. If the temperature remains elevated after you ovulate, chances are you’re already pregnant as this is one of the symptoms pregnancy comes with!

    Conceiving a girl by choosing the right position

    The position you adopt during sexual intercourse is also important when looking into how to make a girl. Baby’s gender can be influenced by this factor as sperm cells may find it easier to travel thorough the fallopian tubes when your cervix is found in a certain position.

    Man on top and the missionary position are considered the most favorable for conceiving a girl as sperm is deposited as far away as possible from ovaries and fallopian tubes. As previously said, female sperm survives for longer periods inside the female body so it is more likely to reach the uterus after a 3 days journey than male sperm, which resembles sprinters instead of marathon runners.

    Still, don’t forget to stop having intercourse 3 days before ovulation as otherwise, no matter what position you choose, changes to make a girl will considerably decrease.

    How to make a baby girl by watching your diet

    Watching your dietary habits can also increase the chances of having a girl as foods rich in magnesium and products that increase the acidity inside the digestive tract are thought to alter male sperm and favor the survival of female sperm.

    Green veggies are very healthy and deliver important amounts of magnesium, just like whole grains and corn. These should all be part of your diet, along with red meat and sweets in moderate amounts, as these products change the pH value of mucus inside the cervix to a more acid one.

    Citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges or grapefruits as well as dairy products containing high amounts of calcium should also be eaten daily, as milk and foods rich in calcium are also listed among the best allies a woman can have when looking into how to conceive a girl naturally.

    So remember, in order to find the best solution to how to make a baby girl, you have to watch not only your basal body temperature and ovulation period but also your eating habits, the levels of certain hormones in urine and saliva and the positions you adopt during sexual intercourse. By keeping an eye on all these factors your chances of having a girl will considerably increase without the need of invasive and costly medical gender selection procedures.